General Chemistry 1

Complete Coverage of First Semester General Chemistry


General Chemistry 1 covers all of the topics typically covered in first semester General Chemistry and includes both formative assessments, with high scaffolding, and end of unit and module quizzes. This course offers highly contextualized, engaging content, designed in a logical flow that transitions smoothly between relatively small amounts of expository text, worked examples, activities, interactives, simulations, and other media elements. The exercises scaffold students through complex problems before moving to less or un-scaffolded practice. The many practice problems provide immediate, detailed feedback and hints as needed.

The course also includes many engaging and interactive elements such as: interactive examples, instructor-led videos demonstrating problem solving methods, problem sets incorporating PhET simulations, and virtual laboratory experiments. Substantial value is added through a coherent learning experience, tagged against a consistent set of learning objectives tied to a common knowledge model.


List of Units and Modules